Philippine children face many challenges:
In the Philippines, close to 1 out of every three individuals lives below the poverty line, while the country itself is in full economic expansion. Although this is encouraging for the future, the present situation remains bleak for a great many households.
Poor families frequently suffer from hunger or malnutrition from which follow numerous health problems, particularly among children who are physically more vulnerable than adults.
The infant mortality rate is really high in the Philippines. Approximately more than 1 out of every 5 newborn children exhibits dietary deficiencies from the moment of birth. Childbirth is risky both for the infant and for the mother. In fact, the number of mothers who die during childbirth remains considerably high—especially since many young girls, through lack of both information and contraceptives, face unwanted pregnancies.
Also, access to health care remains difficult in the country’s more remote regions. Of course, it is in these areas that undernourishment and resulting problems are the most dangerous.
Finally, no one takes responsibility for children who suffer from mental health problems. They remain marginalized and do not receive the appropriate care.
Child Labor
More than 10% of Filipino children are compelled to work so they can support the needs of their family
Close to a million Filipino youths work as garbage scavengers in public dumps. The working conditions are utterly filthy and often have serious effects on the lives of these individuals.
Other children find employment in rural sectors. They work nonstop on sugar, rice, or tea plantations as the case may be. Filipino youths also work in their nation’s fishing sector which is highly developed.
Children Born Out Of Wedlock
They are the object of considerable discrimination in the Philippines. The law, for example, still refers to them as “illegitimate” children—a term that is largely negative and unjust, seeing how they did not choose to be born under such conditions. Furthermore, their right to an inheritance is considerably limited. They clearly do not stand on equal footing with children born to married parents.
The Big Issue Is Poverty
For children in poverty, childhood is a series of setbacks that never allows them to get ahead or envision a better future. Life doesn’t come with guarantees like medical treatment for illnesses or having shoes to wear to school or able to eat lunch during the school period and also getting a proper education. I have known many children having to quit schooling because the parents didn’t have the funds for lunch monies or transportation to get them there. We all know that having negative early experiences impact a child’s ability to grow, leaving them trapped in a cycle of poverty. Beloveth, your gifts will help us to create a lasting change for the children that we are able to help throughout undeveloped needy communities we serve by providing future access to life-changing aid for school supplies and other needs, crucial health and dental services, and more. If you haven’t watched the video or read the blog on How All This Started, then take a look so you can understand the vision of Give The Love mission outreach as we grow to help needy families here in our area. Thanks in advance and God bless you for your heart of love.