Happy New Years’ 2022 To The Give The Love Family!
New Year’s Greetings!
As we begin the New Year of 2022, it seems almost unbelievable that we are now entering what would be the third year of a Global Pandemic. But in the midst of it, God has been truly good to all of us around the world. I know many of us have been facing hard times but we also have to keep the faith knowing that God’s power will carry us through.
Last year when we started Give The Love Outreach in the middle of the pandemic helping the less fortunate families with bags of rice here in the Philippines that started with a few bags of rice with ten families and we end up closing the year of 2021 raising over $4,000 and feeding over 900 families. We could have never done this without your help. Thanks so much for believing in us and partnering with Give The Love Outreach through 2021.
Now in 2022, we will keep pushing to help not only more families but create ongoing support for these families to make sure that there is an aid for them on a monthly base if not weekly. Since we are yet still very small in outreach Mary Ann and I have decided to minimize the number of families and focus on one central area so we can make sure that the families are able to get consistent help in the time of need.
We are praying that the Lord will bless us to become financially strong and have the equipment and supplies to help make this possible as we seek to be the hands and arms for many to experience the hope and love from others all over the world. I never dreamed I would be doing something like this in another country besides ministering to others through the word of God.

Many of you might know I moved from the United States to the Philippines in the month of November 2019. The Lord had been moving upon my heart for the past few years about going to the Philippines and now it became a reality. I am learning so much being here in this country and had to make many adjustments because of the cultural difference but through it, all this has turned into a wonderful experience. Continue to keep us in your prayers and if you have not had a chance to Give The Love, go ahead and partner with us today with monthly support or a one-time Love gift to help us bring hope to many families here especially the children. For more information please go through our website @ givethelove.org or support@givethelove.org, Percy, or Mary Ann Lacsina Craine @ 678-394-1450, +63-915-054-7313 Philippines, Angeles City. God bless you and thanks in advance for your time and encouragement. Also, thanks to everyone for helping us last year and we are even looking for a greeting year of blessings for our needy families.
Give The Love (Philippines)
Percy & MaryAnn Lacsina Craine
678-394-1450, +63-915-054-7313