• 6783941450
  • support@givethelove.org
  • Angeles City Philippines

How You Can Help Make a Difference in the Philippines

If you’ve been following the news from the Philippines, you may have heard about some of the tragedies that have struck the island nation in recent months. In September last year, there was the Typhoon Hagupit that battered the eastern part of the country and left 10 people dead. In November, there was another storm – Typhoon Haiyan – that devastated cities and towns in central Philippines and killed over 6,000 people and displaced millions more. Countless families lost their homes and livelihoods in these events, including those who were fortunate enough to survive but were not able to recover from their losses.

Pledge $1
Every little bit helps when it comes to making a difference. A dollar may not seem like much, but when you pledge to donate $1 each month to help feed those less fortunate in the Philippines, it can add up. Plus, your donation will be matched by another generous donor, effectively doubling your impact. Together, we can make a real difference in the lives of those who need it most.

Encourage your company to pledge too
The holidays are a time for giving, and what better way to give back than by helping to feed those in need? The Philippines is home to over 100 million people, many of whom live below the poverty line. Just $1 can provide a meal for a family of four. Encourage your company to pledge to help feed the less fortunate this holiday season. It’s easy to make a difference when we all work together.

Share this campaign on social media
It’s easy to forget that there are people all over the world who are less fortunate than us. But we can make a difference in their lives by donating to campaigns like this one. Every little bit helps, and you’ll be surprised at how much good you can do just by sharing this campaign on social media. So please, take a moment to share this post and help make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.

Spread the word among your friends, family, and colleagues
The first step to making a difference is spreading the word. Tell your friends, family, and colleagues about what’s going on in the Philippines and how they can help. The more people who are aware of the situation, the more likely we are to see change. That’s why it’s so important that you get involved by helping spread the word. The best way to do this is by writing articles, posting messages on social media sites, or starting discussions with people you know who might be interested in helping out. These simple things can make a huge difference!

If you’ve been following the news from the Philippines, you may have heard about some of the tragedies that have struck the island nation in recent months. In September last year, Typhoon Hagupit battered the eastern part of the country and left 10 people dead. In November, ankther storm – Typhoon Haiyan – devastated cities and towns in the central Philippines and killed over 6,000 people, and displaced millions more. Countless families lost their homes and livelihoods in these events, including those who were fortunate enough to survive but could not recover from their losses.

Pledge $10

Every little bit helps when it comes to making a difference. A dollar may not seem like much, but when you pledge to donate $10 each month to help feed those less fortunate in the Philippines, it can add up. Plus, your donation will be matched by another generous donor, effectively doubling your impact. Together, we can make a real difference in the lives of those who need it most.

Encourage your company to pledge too!

The holidays are a time for giving, and what better way to give back than by helping to feed those in need? The Philippines is home to over 100 million people, many of whom live below the poverty line. Just $1 can provide a meal for a family of four. Encourage your company to pledge to help feed the less fortunate this holiday season. It’s easy to make a difference when we all work together.

Share this campaign on social media

It’s easy to forget that there are people all over the world who are less fortunate than us. But we can make a difference in their lives by donating to campaigns like this one. Every little bit helps, and you’ll be surprised at how much good you can do just by sharing this campaign on social media. So please, take a moment to share this post and help make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.

Spread the word among your friends, family, and colleagues

The first step to making a difference in spreading the word. Tell your friends, family, and colleagues about what’s going on in the Philippines and how they can help. The more people who are aware of the situation, the more likely we are to see change. That’s why it’s so important that you get involved by helping spread the word. The best way to do this is by writing articles, posting messages on social media sites, or starting discussions with people you know who might be interested in helping out. These simple things can make a huge difference!

For more information please go through our website @ givethelove.org or support@givethelove.org. Percy or Mary Ann @1-678-394-1450 United States and +63-915-054-7313 Philippines, Angeles City. God bless you all and thanks in advance for your time and encouragement.

Give The Love International (Philippines)

Percy & Mary Ann Lacsina Craine

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