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Rainy Season In The Philippines: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly


Free Overhead view of colorful roofs of residential buildings and lush green trees in flooded small village Stock Photo

You’ve spent all year waiting for the rain to come, and now that it’s here, you’re not quite sure how to handle it. Whether you are living in the Philippines or planning to visit soon, it can be tricky to know what to expect from the rainy season and how best to take advantage of this bounty of nature. Here’s what you need to know about the rainy season in the Philippines so that you can enjoy this time of year to the fullest!

What to bring during the rainy season

During the rainy season in the Philippines, it’s important to be prepared with the proper gear to stay dry and comfortable. Make sure to pack an umbrella, raincoat, and waterproof shoes. Also, don’t forget to bring along any essential medications in case you get sick. Finally, remember to keep your phone charged in case of emergency.

What not to do during the rainy season

Avoid these activities during the rainy season to stay safe and dry.

1. Don’t walk or drive through floodwaters. Just six inches of moving water can knock you down, and one foot of moving water can sweep your vehicle away.

2. Stay away from storm drains, culverts, manholes, and other openings in the ground that could be filled with rushing water.

3. Do not touch electrical equipment if it is wet or you are standing in water.

4. Remain indoors as much as possible, especially after dark when it is harder for you to see potential hazards such as flooded streets, washed-out roads, or downed power lines.

5. If driving during heavy rain, turn on your headlights and use low-beam headlights rather than high-beam headlights so you don’t blind oncoming drivers.

6. Check with local authorities before leaving your home because emergency services may have different instructions based on the conditions.

7. Keep a battery-powered radio tuned to a local station for updated weather information.

8. Carry a flashlight or headlamp with fresh batteries at all times, along with extra batteries and matches in case of a power outage (as this can happen at any time).

9. Beware of animals coming into neighborhoods looking for food and places to shelter from the rain. 10. Be sure your pets have proper identification including an up-to-date rabies vaccination tag or license and make sure they’re wearing an identification tag with contact information so they can be returned if lost.

Things you should consider when renting a place in the Philippines

1. Location is key when it comes to renting in the Philippines. Make sure you’re close to public transportation and your workplace.

2. The rainy season lasts from June to October, so be prepared for wet weather if you’re renting during this time.

3. Flooding is a common occurrence during the rainy season, so make sure your rental property is in a safe area.

4. Many businesses close down during the rainy season, so be prepared for a slower lifestyle. But that’s not all! There are good things about living through the rain too!

Check out these benefits of living through the rain.

1) You get more Vitamin D because sunlight is limited during these months.

2) People don’t drive as much because of flooding, which means less traffic!

3) It may be cold outside but it’ll warm up inside with an electric blanket or an electric fan.

DIY hacks against floodwater

When floodwater starts to rise, there are a few things you can do to help keep your home dry. First, try to block the water from coming in by filling up sandbags and placing them around the perimeter of your home. If you have time, you can also build a makeshift levee out of whatever materials you have on hand. Once the water is inside, though, there are only so many things you can do. Try to move as much of your furniture and belongings to the second floor as possible.

7 Things about the rainy season in the Philippines you might have never heard of.

1. Filipinos love the rain and the cooler weather that comes with it.

2. However, the rainy season can also bring some negatives, such as flooding and road closures.

3. Despite the challenges, the rainy season is also a time of celebration in the Philippines.

4. Many Filipinos take advantage of the rain by going on picnics or playing in the rain.

5. The rainy season is also a time for farmers to plant their crops. They can grow rice, corn, bananas, coconuts, cassava, and many other types of fruits and vegetables.

6. With the rains come colorful flowers like hibiscus flowers which are used to make popular Filipino desserts like halo-halo (shaved ice mixed with sweet beans).

7. During the rainy season Filipinos enjoy eating delicious soups called sinigang made from either beef or shrimp.

5 Best ways to beat rain without going out of your way

1. Find a good spot to stay dry. This could be under an umbrella, a tree, or even a building’s overhang.

2. Use a raincoat or poncho. This will keep you dry while also giving you the freedom to move around.

3. Wear rain-appropriate shoes. Make sure your shoes have good traction to avoid slipping, and that they won’t get ruined by the rain.

4. Bring a change of clothes. Even if it doesn’t seem like you’re getting wet yet, chances are there will be times when your clothes do get wet in the rain. Better safe than sorry!

5. Dress in layers. Layers give you more options as far as what to wear during different parts of the day because they can easily be removed or added as needed depending on how hot or cold it is outside.

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