How This All Begin!
One day Mary Ann and I were traveling around a close area on our motorcycle and as we passed over the bridge, we both begin to look down where there was a newly built road under the overpass. So out of curiosity, we decided to find a way down to see where did this new road lead to. As we travel onto the new road next to the river on the left side of us were lines of makeshift homes, made of wood, cardboard, tin, tarps, and even banana leaves to help shelter those who lived along the way. The stretch ran for about 3 miles and there were so many children of all ages outside playing with old clothing, some didn’t have any shoes on their feet but look happy and content as they continue to have fun on the new road.
For serval days my wife and I traveled that road just to see the conditions of the people and their families in how they were living. We would pull over to take a moment to look around at the view and my heart became sad at what I saw.
Beloveth, if you had witnessed what our eyes saw it would have broken your heart as well when seeing people not having a proper place to live, children playing in clothes like they have been worn for days with no shoes and then come to find out that their makeshift homes, many of them had no indoor water, plumbing, or electricity. So I was telling our kids about what we saw and for them to realize how blessed we are and never take any of God’s blessings for granted. Each time we came to the table in our home to eat I would pray the prayer of blessings over our table and remember the people that we saw and their conditions and ask God to bless them in a mighty way. One day when I was praying, soft words came to me in the midst of the prayer and said, what are you going to do about it.
I knew the Lord was impressing upon me to move from just asking Him to touch those families to taking the first step to show love to those in need. I first question it in my mind as to how in the world will I be able to do something when my family and I are just living one day at a time during the pandemic. But the very next day I begin to meditate on the first step. I went to a place and purchased (ten) 55 pounds sacks of rice and we begin to divide the rice into 10-pound bags to distribute to those in need. That day we were able to give out rice to over 55 families that were in dire need. We begin to find out that in order for some of them to eat they would go out on the main road to ask for monies from passing cars and others would go to a popular strip where foreigners hang out to do special favor to collect monies for the family in order to buy just rice to eat.
I begin to share my experience with others back home in the United States and Pastor Brian Broadway of Living Message Church in Clermont FL without hesitation said we will buy 10 stacks of rice to help you aid the needy and immediately he sent $200 to help us in this outreach. Pastor Anthony Smith of Irvington Missionary Baptist Church also came to the rescue and sent $500 to purchase another 22 bags of rice and later other friends and family members begin to help which later help us feed over 650 families up to this date. So now you know how (Give The Love) outreach and charitable missions begin. This operation starts February 26, 2021, and we are pressing to do even more as time goes on with aiding those in need of clothing, shoes, and other personal women items and also have funds to help many of those kids with lunch money for school. There is so much work of love needed here in the Philippines and I just want to thank all of you who are supporting the vision of this wonderful outreach that is blessing so many throughout the area of Pampanga. We will be sharing more each month to keep you updated on our progress and don’t forget to check out the gallery for all the pictures we were able to take to share what we are doing and how your gifts are a blessing to many families.