• 6783941450
  • support@givethelove.org
  • Angeles City Philippines

Operation Handout

Hello to everyone and let me first start off by saying thanks to everyone who has helped us in this outreach journey over the past year with Give The Love International Philippines outreach mission.


Each month we aid needy families here within our local area and when we started this mission in Feb of 2021 we did not know it was going to bless over 1000 families within the area.


If any of you have monitored our website: https://givethelove.org you will be able the see the work we are doing through pictures and our monthly blogs to help keep our donors up to date with our activities here in the Philippines. On our site, you will be able to see the total contributions and the number of families that have been helped up to this date.


Mary Ann and I have learned a lot over the year being in the trenches amongst needy families and learning the strategy of making sure that the rice gets into the hands of those who are really in need. For example, when we first started this outreach there were people getting in line for rice and would put some of their family members in the same line to get more for their household. There were others who lived outside of the area we are working in that heard about what we were doing and showed up to receive rice for their home to sell to others.


But I can go on about more experiences that happen to us but the great news is that as we kept moving forward God bless us with people within the area of communities that became group captains to help us disturb the bags of rice to the right families because they knew the people living within their areas. Wow!, praise God, That became a great help to us and for the outreach of the communities, we are supplying rice each month. Through our checks and balances, our outreach giving became more profound, and to see the excitement overwhelmed many of them because now they could feed their children.


At this present time, we have raised $7,703 and have been a blessing to 1,007 families within our area here in the Philippines. Including my family, we have a total of 13 volunteers five of us prepare the rice portion to be bagged for each family and others help us with transportation and making sure the names of each household are accounted for in the distribution and keeping it organized where there is no confusion and also watching out for our safety during the outreach. In one situation I had to be taken away from the area because of an outbreak of violence going forward in the midst of my trying to give families bags of rice. A friend of mine that also lives here is a retired New York detective and he immediately went into action to get us out of there without any harm.

I would like to make something clear to everyone back home in the United States which is where I am from, the reason we do not do any advertising on my FB page is that I live here personally in the Philippines with my family with a population of over 110 million people and over 1,700 livable Islands here in the Philippines. So if I place what we are doing within our area then we will have people from all over the Philippines reaching out to us for help. And plus being a foreigner here in the country many Filipos think you have money and they want some of it regardless of whether they need it or not.

At the moment we don’t have the funds to go outside of our reach to help other cities. But there are other organizations that are far greater in resources here in the Philippines that are screening and helping families throughout this country. If you would like to know more about how we started this outreach click on this link for the inside story. Also, click on this link to read our blog Why Rice Is Popular In The Philippines, and this will give you some idea of why we took this route to be a blessing to many.

Also, another reason I don’t use social media much for this outreach is that many of the pictures we take of us giving out the rice to families, I didn’t want them to feel exploited or embarrassed locally. But I did inform them that these pictures and information gathered from their impoverished life will only be shared with the donors so they can see the work we are doing here and know how their contributions are being spent. Now if I was in the States the story would be different because we could use social media to help raise the funds and then send the funds to an organized outreach group to help needy families here in the Philippines.Because trying to raise funds while I am here opens the door to many people to try and get help or monies and we are not within to areas to check to see if it’s legit.

We could not have done this without your gift of love and prayers. Visit the website monthly to keep up with the ongoing activities of the outreach, blogs, and pictures. If you ever have any questions or would like to know more about Give The Love Philippines please don’t hesitate to message us or give us at 1-678-394-1450. This number is a phone app that able me to call back to the states and receive calls free of charge. If you would to help us in our outreach with a one-time gift or become a monthly contributor go to our secured website and click under the donation tab to get more information. Look out for our next month’s newsletter to stay informed.

Percy & Mary Ann Lacsina Craine

Give the Love International




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