• 6783941450
  • support@givethelove.org
  • Angeles City Philippines

Our Mission

Building Hope One Family At A Time

We Are On A Mission

Child Development

To help aid families in the right direction so the children will have a greater opportunity to develop with hope and confidence to succeed in this life. Each visitation helps us to understand the needs so we can effectively build the familes for a greater outcome.

Diminishing Malnutrition

Not only are we giving food to those in need but there is a process of teaching and encouraging those within the communities how to look after each other to make sure we all work together to starve out malnutrition.

The Mission

Give The Love reaches out to hurting families throughout the local areas by providing food, clothing, and spiritual education to help handle life circumstance. We are encouraging you to become a part of this mission outreach to help these families who have been left to fight for survival on their own.

Clothing-Shoes-Health Essential

Our push comes as we build up funds to help aid the children in clothing and shoes. Many children don't have the proper clothing or under garment and we are striving to connect with other places to get large bulk of clothing for children. Also we will be focusing on the health and well-being of the Children by getting doctors and other health care facility to offer service and resource to help these families in need.

Let Families Know That They Are Not Alone

As you might imagine, hunger is a problem that most often affects children from low-income families. And during the pandemic, many families have suffered great loss of income and personal well-being. As I have shared with you throughout this website and the passion that Mary Ann and I put forth in reaching these families we truly give God the praise for allowing us to share the love by giving a portion of what we have. We have seen so many families overjoyed to have someone stop by their home to offer food in their time of need. I hope that many of you will join with us to show the hurting families that they are not alone, but there are others who are coming to their rescue in the name of love to help see them through. Meditate on it today and become a lifeline to others as you begin to Give The Love.  

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